What was the vision like?
Can it be ever described in words?
Can anyone ever comprehend with the limited instruments
of the mind and intellect – ‘That Vision’ which transcends the barriers of the
mind and the intellect; of time and space; of speech and form; of life and
death; of the ‘Seen’ and the ‘Seer’; of God and the devotee; of all existing
Sage Vyaasa somehow managed to describe the indescribable
Did he succeed? Judge for yourself!
THAT which
is beyond the mind- can the mind experience it?
THAT which is beyond the
intellect - can the intellect comprehend it?
THAT which exists beyond
‘space-time’- can ‘That’ be compressed into ‘a point in space and time’?
But, the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ is
not in the dictionary of PARABRAHMAN!
Arjuna had the ‘Vision
Supreme’ of Para Brahman compressed into the
barriers of space and time!
Arjuna had the ‘Vision
Supreme’ of THAT inside ‘this’!
Arjuna had the ‘Vision
Supreme’ of the ‘Formless Pranava’ personified in a ‘form’!
Arjuna had the ‘Vision
Supreme’ of the ‘Great Tripura’ in all her glory!
Nobody ever had or would ever
have the fortune of experiencing the ‘Cosmic Vision’ Of Para Brahman - the
Great Goddess Tripuraa - comprising within herself - countless creations;
countless descents; countless worlds; countless sports of her dancing feet-
inside one of the tiniest creations squeezed into the confines of a limited
human mind!
But the Supreme Goddess is an
endless ocean of compassion!
Goddess Tripuraa revealed one
speck of her form for the ‘tiny’ Arjuna!
Was the Para
Brahman a male or female or It?
or THAT?
If THAT can be referred to as
He, then – THAT can also be referred to as SHE!
The Empress who rules over all
three states of existences- Jagrat-Svapna and Sushupti!
The Supremacy which comprises
the Trinities- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva!
The Supreme Principle with the
three-fold manifestations as Sharada, Kalki and Paraa Shakti!
PARASHAKTI- the Supreme Power
of Maayaa!
KALKI – the Supreme Power of
SHAARADAA-The Supreme Power of
The Three-fold Powers that
rule the world as- PAVITRI -GAAYATRI –SAAVITRI!
The Three-fold Powers of
The Three-fold Natures of- STRENGTH-
The Three Principles of- EXISTENCE-
The Three States of- TRUTH
The Three Functions of - CREATION
When all this and more appears
before the human mind- what happens?
[After the fantastic experiences
of the fairy land the child burst out crying-“let me go home; let me go home!”
The child was not yet ready; so – the parent took it back home!]
Arjuna was blinded!
He was not able to withstand the splendor of Tripuraa’s
His intellects was about to burst into million pieces!
His mind stopped functioning!
His body went through innumerable horripilations!
He was shivering uncontrollably!
He saw his own world as a tiny speck of dust inside that
cosmic form!
He saw countless Narasimhas; countless Ramas; countless Krishnas ; countless Brahmas; countless Vishnus; countless
What was ‘he’ in front of ‘THAT SHE’?
sky was silent – meditating as it were!
The earth was silent – meditating
as it were!
The river was silent – meditating
as it were!
The Kadamba tree was silent –
meditating as it were!
The birds were silent – meditating
as it were!
The horses were silent –
meditating as it were!
Everything was silent!
Everything was quiescent!
Everything was meditating as it
Time was still! Space was nil!
The whole universe stood still as
it were!
The whole universe was absorbed in
contemplation it were!
OM ! OM ! OM !
Suddenly Arjuna woke up with a
The silence was not broken by the manifold irrational
creatures of Nature; but by the rational mind of Arjuna!
Arjuna was frightened.
Arjuna was shocked!
Arjuna was awe-stuck!
He burst out in prayers; in praises; in hymns; in profuse
apologies; and heart felt pleadings!
Arjuna pleaded with his Master to shut off the ‘Vision
He pleaded for a sensible vision of Lord Naaraayana the charming
God-head of the heavens!
The ‘immature child’ - stood in front of the ‘infinite
mountain reaching the pinnacles of heights’; and begged for a tiny pebble!
Goddess Tripuraa was an ocean of compassion!
दृष्ट्वेदं मानुषं रूपं तव सौम्यं जनार्दन
इदानीमस्मि संवृत्तः सचेताः प्रकृतिं गतः ॥
Seeing your human form
filled with quiescence Krishna ,
I have now regained my
composure and feel normal.
Arjuna had the vision of Lord Naaraayana; and was happy!
Arjuna questioned: “Lord! Who
are all blessed to have such a vision?”
The Lord answered:
“Nobody in this world, my child is ever fortunate to have
the vision of the great Goddess Tripuraa Devi!
But all your merits totaled up from millions of births and
your sincere desire for such a vision was satiated by ‘My Grace’! Even penance,
charities and studies of Vedas are incapable of producing such a vision!
Even Gods can never ever dream of seeing Goddess Tripuraa in
person! But you had the appropriate devotion and a thirst for Truth and SHE is
‘compassion personified’! So you were blessed with this ‘Supreme Vision’!!”
Arjuna was really shocked! Was he really worthy of such a
vision? He was not an expert in the knowledge of the Vedas! He was not a man of
self-control! He was not ‘anybody’! Yet he knew, he had loved the dark-hued
friend of his as his own life; he was ever ready to give up anything at a mere
word from those sweet lips; not for a moment had he forgotten the charming form
of his friend; not even in the passionate embrace of the lovely Subhadraa; his
breath went in and out with the sweet name of his friend; he was mad about his
friend; Why, he never understood till that sacred hour!
What binds a God to a devotee?
एवं सततयुक्ता ये भक्तास्त्वां पर्युपासते
ये चाप्यक्षरमव्यक्तं तेषां के योगवित्तमाः ॥
devotees who worship you with love always absorbed in you
those who are absorbed in the contemplation of
imperishable unmanifest Brahman,
among these two types,
are the excellent Yogis?
Arjuna’s eyes brimmed with tears!
“Lord! Who is greater- he who loves you with all his heart
without knowledge or; a knower who is always absorbed in the contemplation of
the ‘Formless Supreme’?”
“Who is the beloved child of the mother, a child which
always hangs on to her skirts; tags behind her; depends on her for every
comfort and security; knows only the language of tears; but never understands
why it should love the mother; or the grown up child who knows the nature of
the mother; is independent with the knowledge of her support behind his
actions; who loves his mother yet who can be without the presence of the form
of the mother as such? Mother loves them both!
She knows that the child who hugs her with love and the
child who ‘knows’ her –both are her children! She will wait for the immature
child to grow up and ‘know’ her! She will wait for the ‘knowing’ child to grow
up and ‘love’ her!
My friend! I love anybody who seeks to love me and know me!
Most of all - I love those who ‘know’ me and yet ‘love’ me!
Adore me with Awareness!
Adore me with Knowledge!
Adore me with Devotion!
My favorite devotee is one who knows me as his own Self; one
who self-controlled; one who is equanimous; one who is always established in
the ‘awareness of the Supreme Self’; one who works without attachment; one who
has transcended the human nature to become divine!
Love me with all your heart – my child! Depend upon me for
But grow up from the ‘limited love of a form’ to the ‘love
the Highest Knowledge of the Truth’!
Yet love and depend on me; for- I am but ‘Thine own self’!
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